Belden Inc. (“Belden”), a global leader in signal transmission solutions for mission-critical applications, completed its acquisition of Miranda Technologies Inc. (“Miranda”), by way of a take-over bid for a cash consideration of $17.00 per common share or approximately $350 million.
Miranda was represented by Patrick St-Yves, its Director of Legal Services and Corporate Secretary; and by Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP with a team consisting of Robert Yalden, Christopher Main, Chima Ubani, Raphaël Amram and Alexandre Martin (corporate); Antoine Stébenne and Nadia Rusak (tax); Shuli Rodal (competition) and Jason Comerford (US corporate).
Belden was represented by Kevin Bloomfield, Senior Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel; and Brian Anderson, Corporate Attorney; and by McCarthy Tétrault LLP with a team consisting of Jonathan Grant, Frédéric Cotnoir, Deandra Schubert and David Letourneau (mergers & acquisitions); James Morand (tax); Don Houston and Emily Rix (competition); Nathalie Gagnon (labour & employment) and Mary Jeanne Phelan (financial services).
Miranda was represented by Patrick St-Yves, its Director of Legal Services and Corporate Secretary; and by Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP with a team consisting of Robert Yalden, Christopher Main, Chima Ubani, Raphaël Amram and Alexandre Martin (corporate); Antoine Stébenne and Nadia Rusak (tax); Shuli Rodal (competition) and Jason Comerford (US corporate).
Belden was represented by Kevin Bloomfield, Senior Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel; and Brian Anderson, Corporate Attorney; and by McCarthy Tétrault LLP with a team consisting of Jonathan Grant, Frédéric Cotnoir, Deandra Schubert and David Letourneau (mergers & acquisitions); James Morand (tax); Don Houston and Emily Rix (competition); Nathalie Gagnon (labour & employment) and Mary Jeanne Phelan (financial services).
Frédéric Cotnoir
Deandra L. Schubert
James G. Morand
Antoine Stébenne
Chima Ubani
Shuli Rodal
Mary Jeanne F. Phelan
Christopher Main
Robert M. Yalden
Raphaël Amram
Nathalie Gagnon
Jason Comerford
Nadia Rusak