Canadian Tire Corporation, Limited announced that it had acquired The Forzani Group Ltd. by way of public takeover bid for a purchase price of $771 million.
Canadian Tire was represented internally by Robyn Collver, Senior Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel, and Doug Nathanson, Vice President and Associate General Counsel, and assisted by Goodmans LLP with a team led by Ste-phen Halperin and Sheldon Freeman that included Grant McGlaughlin, Peter Hawkings and Stacey Kline (corporate); Ira Barkin Ken Herlin and Andrea Fellows (real estate); Jon Northup and Jarrett Freeman (tax); Jana Steele (pensions); Joe Conforti and Michelle Dobranowski (employment); Amalia Berg Trister (IP); Thomas Macdonald (environment) and Dan Gormley (franchise matters).
Stikeman Elliott LLP acted as competition counsel to Canadian Tire, with a team led by Lawson Hunter, QC, and Jef-frey Brown (Ottawa and Toronto) and including Paul Beaudry, Megan MacDonald and Alexandra Stockwell in Ottawa.
Forzani was represented in-house by Evan Johnston, Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary and by Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, with a team led by Ross Bentley and Pat Finnerty and including Brian Facey, Julie Solo-way and Joshua Krane (competition); Garth Anderson and Richard Dawson (real estate); Colin Ritchie, Paul Pasalic and Alison Desipio (securities); Brian Thiessen and Gordon Kettyle (employment) and Monica Sharma (IP).
Robert Engbloom and Lianne Tysowski of Macleod Dixon LLP advised the special committee of Forzani's board of di-rectors on the transaction.
Canadian Tire was represented internally by Robyn Collver, Senior Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel, and Doug Nathanson, Vice President and Associate General Counsel, and assisted by Goodmans LLP with a team led by Ste-phen Halperin and Sheldon Freeman that included Grant McGlaughlin, Peter Hawkings and Stacey Kline (corporate); Ira Barkin Ken Herlin and Andrea Fellows (real estate); Jon Northup and Jarrett Freeman (tax); Jana Steele (pensions); Joe Conforti and Michelle Dobranowski (employment); Amalia Berg Trister (IP); Thomas Macdonald (environment) and Dan Gormley (franchise matters).
Stikeman Elliott LLP acted as competition counsel to Canadian Tire, with a team led by Lawson Hunter, QC, and Jef-frey Brown (Ottawa and Toronto) and including Paul Beaudry, Megan MacDonald and Alexandra Stockwell in Ottawa.
Forzani was represented in-house by Evan Johnston, Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary and by Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP, with a team led by Ross Bentley and Pat Finnerty and including Brian Facey, Julie Solo-way and Joshua Krane (competition); Garth Anderson and Richard Dawson (real estate); Colin Ritchie, Paul Pasalic and Alison Desipio (securities); Brian Thiessen and Gordon Kettyle (employment) and Monica Sharma (IP).
Robert Engbloom and Lianne Tysowski of Macleod Dixon LLP advised the special committee of Forzani's board of di-rectors on the transaction.
Alexandra Stockwell
Thomas M. F. Macdonald
Lianne J. Tysowski
Douglas B. Nathanson
Evan Johnston
Joe Conforti
Stephen H. Halperin
Garth K. Anderson
Julie A. Soloway
D. Jeffrey Brown
Jon Northup
Alison Desipio
Jana Rae Steele
Grant E. McGlaughlin
Richard L. Dawson
Amalia M. Berg
Michelle Dobranowski
Monica Sharma
Brian A. Facey
Joshua Krane
Paul Beaudry
Lawson A.W. Hunter
Peter Hawkings
Ross Bentley
Stacey Kline
Ira S. Barkin
Sheldon Freeman
Gordon R. Kettyle
Robyn A. Collver
Jarrett Freeman
Andrea Fellows
Ken Herlin
Pat C. Finnerty
Brian J. Thiessen
Paul Pasalic
Colin Ritchie