Creststreet Sells Kettles Hill Windpower Subsidiary to ENMAX Green Power

On June 26, 2008, Creststreet Kettles Hill Windpower LP completed the sale of Kettles Hill Wind Energy Inc. to ENMAX Green Power Inc., a subsidiary of ENMAX Corporation, in a deal worth $163 million, including debt. Kettles Hill Wind Energy Inc. is the owner and operator of a wind farm, located near Pincher Creek, Alberta, that includes 35 turbines with a current capacity of 63 megawatts. The wind farm has potential for a further 77 megawatts.

McCarthy Tétrault LLP represented Creststreet with a team led by David Tennant and Shea Small (business law) and that included Matthew Kelleher, Suzanne Palko and Matthew Appleby (business law), Nigel Johnston (tax), Oliver Borgers (competition), Kieth Mullback (real estate) and Michael Birch and Josh Stachniak (lending).

ENMAX was represented by in-house counsel Jeff Piercy and Kent Chicilo and by a team from Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP led by Dale Skinner (mergers & acquisitions and securities) and that included Shannon Ward (business law), Don Kowalenko and Jonathon Ryder (real estate) and Anne Calverley, QC (tax).

Ella Plotkin of Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP represented the lenders of Kettles Hill Wind Energy Inc.


Kieth R. Mullback Jeffrey R. Piercy Kent M. Chicilo Jonathan Ryder Ella Plotkin Michael A. Birch Matthew S. Kelleher Shannon K. Ward David B. Tennant Shea T. Small Oliver J. Borgers Nigel P.J. Johnston Anne Calverley Dale E. Skinner