Launch of Foragen Technologies Limited Partnership

On October 13, 2000, Foragen Technologies Limited Partnership (Foragen) was created–a $42 million Pan-Canadian investment fund devoted to the creation and start-up of advanced agricultural technologies ventures in the Agri-food and Agri-biotechnology sector. Foragen was launched by Royal Bank Ventures Inc., SGF Soquia Inc., the Saskatchewan Opportunities Corporation and the Crown Investements Corporation (the Partners).

Foragen’s mandate is to promote venture creation by offering seed capital, technology management advice and networking opportunities that will allow entrepreneurs to concentrate on developing their technologies. Foragen is owned equally by the Partners, who have each committed to invest up to $14 million. Foragen has offices in Quebec, Ontario and Saskatchewan.

Torys acted for Royal Bank Ventures Inc., with a team comprised of Patrice Walch-Watson, Sophie Boulakia, Barry Reiter, John Unger, Blair Keefe, Judith Kim and Chris Medland. Stewart Wicijowski of Saskatchewan’s McDougall, Ready acted for the Saskatchewan Opportunities Corporation and the Crown Investments Corporation. SGF Soquia Corporation was represented by in-house counsel Manon Deslauriers, and François Amyot of McCarthy Tétrault’s Quebec City office.


John Unger Blair W. Keefe Christina H. Medland Stuart J. Wicijowski Patrice S. Walch-Watson François Amyot Judith H. Kim


Torys LLP McDougall Gauley LLP McCarthy Tétrault LLP