MRF 2003 Completes Units Offering

On July 8, 2003, MRF 2003 Limited Partnership completed a $35 million public offering of limited partnership units. Proceeds from the offering will be used by the partnership to invest in flow-through shares of companies involved primarily in oil and gas, mining or renewable energy exploration and development.

MRF 2003 was represented by Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP with a team that included Kevin Thomson, James Reid, Peter Westcott, Siobhan Monaghan and Neal Armstrong (tax). The syndicate of underwriters, led by CIBC World Markets Inc. and RBC Dominion Securities Inc., were represented by McCarthy Tetrault LLP that included Jonathan Grant, Christopher Hoffman, Susan Goscoe and Ormonde Benson (corporate/securities) and Jim Morand and Gabrielle Richards (tax).


K. A. Siobhan Monaghan Peter G. Westcott Neal H. Armstrong Ormonde Benson James G. Morand James R. Reid Christopher S. L. Hoffmann Kevin J. Thomson


Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP McCarthy Tétrault LLP