On July 17, 2017, Norgine B.V., a European specialist pharmaceutical company, acquired all issued and outstanding shares of Merus Labs International Inc. (Merus), pursuant to a plan of arrangement for $1.65 per common share in cash, including the assumption of all debt obligations, for a total enterprise value of approximately $342 million. Merus’ product portfolio includes established products sold across Europe and Canada and other selected markets.
Norgine B.V. was represented by Stikeman Elliott LLP with a team that included Stewart Sutcliffe, Michael Decicco, Bessie Qu, Kat Zoricic, Martyna Wolska, Alex Carmona and Shawna Leclair (M&A), Marie Garneau and Tara Watson (banking), Lorna Cuthbert, Kathleen Chevalier, Khalfan Khalfan and Natasha vandenHoven (employment & labour), John Lorito and Lindsay Gwyer (tax), David Brown (litigation), Michael Kilby (competition) and Ryan Sheahan (intellectual property and regulatory).
Merus Labs International Inc. was represented by Torys LLP with a team that included John Emanoilidis, Matthew Atkey, Frazer House and Owen Payne (M&A), Tom Zverina (banking), Lynne Lacoursière (employment), Jerald Wortsman, David Mattingly and Andrew Wong (tax), Andrew Gray (litigation), Omar Wakil (competition), Cheryl Reicin and Teresa Reguly (intellectual property and regulatory), and Mile Kurta and Jason Zhou (US securities).