RBC Capital Trust II Completes IPO

On July 23, 2003, RBC Capital Trust II, a trust established by Royal Bank of Canada, completed the issuance of $900 million of Trust Capital Securities (RBC TruCS— series 2013). RBC Dominion Securities Inc. was the lead underwriter for the offering.

Royal Bank of Canada and the trust’s legal team was directed by in-house senior counsel Antonella Deo, and included Steven Smith, Rick Fullerton and Deborah Salter (corporate and securities), Andy McGuffin and Caroline D’Elia (tax) and John Jason (regulatory) of Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP.

The underwriting syndicate was represented by McCarthy Tétrault LLP, with a team that included Barry Ryan, Jonathan Grant and Steven Kim (corporate, securities and regulatory) and Gabrielle Richards and Jerald Wortsman (tax).


Jerald M. Wortsman Steven R. Kim