Sale of Persona to Eastlink

Further to a share purchase agreement dated April 28, 2007 on September 28, 2007, HMTF Canadian Cable General Partnership, Birch Hill Equity Partners II (QLP) LP, CIBC Wood Gundy Capital (SFC #2) Inc., Birch Hill Equity Partners II (Barbados) LP, Birch Hill Equity Partners II (Entrepreneurs) LP, TD Capital Group Limited, and Dean MacDonald completed the sale of all of the shares of Canadian Cable Acquisition Holdings Company Limited, the sole shareholder of Persona Communications Corp., to Eastlink Persona Holdings Inc., a subsidiary of Bragg Communications Inc.

The Vendor Group and Persona were represented by Bennett Jones LLP, with a team that included Catherine Brayley, Dan Ford, Steve Lutz, Paul DeLuca, Peter Jovicic, Milos Barutciski, Jonathan Bell, Melissa Robbins and Deanne Henry.

CIBC, TD and Birch Hill were represented by Stikeman Elliott LLP, with a team that included Ron Ferguson and Mathieu Grenier.

Eastlink was represented by Stewart McKelvey with a team that included George Caines, Paul Festeryga, Deanne MacLeod, Candace Thomas, Andrew MacFarlane, Victoria Nickerson, Christine Pound and Melisa Marsman.

Regulatory Counsel to Persona and Eastlink was Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, with a team that included Stephen Whitehead, Scott Prescott, Stephen Acker and Anne Ko.


Ron Ferguson Milos Barutciski Paul W. Festeryga Peter Jovicic George A. Caines Mathieu Grenier Stephen B. Acker Melisa Marsman Stephen P. Whitehead Catherine A. Brayley Candace L. Thomas J. Steven Lutz Anne A. Ko Victoria L. McFarlane Scott M. Prescott Christine C. Pound Deanne MacLeod