In a transaction valued in excess of $30,000,000, Larco Enterprises Inc. acquired Toronto’s SkyDome Hotel from Sportsco International L.P. Financing was provided by HSBC Bank Canada. McCarthy Tétrault acted for Sportsco with the McCarthy team being comprised of Abrahm Costin, Tom H. Bjarnason, Peter Murphy, John Currie and Avi Goldstein. Borden & Elliot acted for Larco with the Borden team being comprised of Morton Gross, Noella Milne and Ray Mickevicius. Fraser Milner acted for HSBC Bank Canada with this team being led by Yvonne McAndrew.
Thomas H. Bjarnason
Noella M. Milne
Yvonne L. McAndrew
Morton G. Gross
Peter R. Murphy
Raymond A. Mickevicius
John C. Currie