The University of Guelph completed, on October 11, 2002, a $100 million offering of 6.24 per cent series A senior unsecured debentures due 2042. The proceeds of the offering will be used by the university to help finance capital projects, including the construction of a science building and classroom complex and for the general purposes of the university.
The university was represented by WeirFoulds LLP, with a team comprised of John Wilkinson, Steven Rukavina, Wayne Egan and Mark Goldbloom. The agents were led by CIBC World Markets Inc., and included RBC Dominion Securities Inc. and Scotia Capital Inc. Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP represented the agents, with a team comprised of Carol Pennycook, Vincent Mercier and Ryan Voegeli (corporate) and John Zinn (tax).
The university was represented by WeirFoulds LLP, with a team comprised of John Wilkinson, Steven Rukavina, Wayne Egan and Mark Goldbloom. The agents were led by CIBC World Markets Inc., and included RBC Dominion Securities Inc. and Scotia Capital Inc. Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP represented the agents, with a team comprised of Carol Pennycook, Vincent Mercier and Ryan Voegeli (corporate) and John Zinn (tax).
Steven Rukavina
Vincent A. Mercier
John Zinn
Wayne T. Egan
John B.A. Wilkinson
Ryan Voegeli
Mark A. Goldbloom
WeirFoulds LLP
Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP