Wheaton Precious Metals’ acquisition of silver stream on Mineral Park Mine

On October 24, 2023, Waterton Global Resource Management and Waterton Copper Corporation (“Waterton Copper”) announced the acquisition by Wheaton Precious Metals Corporation of a US$115-million silver stream on the Mineral Park Mine in Arizona owned by Waterton Copper and the provision of a US$25-million secured debt facility from Wheaton to Waterton Copper.

Mineral Park is a polymetallic mine located in north-west Arizona with a long mining history. It is currently under Phase 2 construction which is expected to be completed by the end of the first quarter of 2025. Waterton Copper is fully funded and is investing approximately US$600-million to execute Phase 2 of its operating plan, which will bring the site to over one hundred million pounds of copper equivalent annually and fully modernize the operation.

Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP represented Waterton Global Resource Management with a team that included Richard Fridman and Brett Seifred (Corporate); Scott Hyman (Banking); Christopher Anderson, Peter Glicklich, Elie Roth, Jennifer Lee and Zachary Kling (Tax).

McCarthy Tétrault LLP represented Wheaton Precious Metals.


Richard Fridman Brett Seifred Christopher Anderson Elie Roth Jennifer Lee


Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP McCarthy Tétrault LLP