Susan E. Gunter

Susan E. Gunter

Partner at Dutton Brock LLP
(416) 593-4411
(416) 593-5922
438 University Ave, Suite 1700, Toronto, ON
Year called to bar: 1996
Susan Gunter, partner since 2002 at Dutton Brock LLP, holds an LLM in Civil Litigation (Osgoode), an LLB (UNB), and was called to the Ontario Bar in 1996. Susan is recognized in The Best Lawyers in Canada (Products Liability Law, Insurance Law, Personal Injury Litigation, Professional Malpractice Law and ADR) and in the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory as Most Frequently Recommended Personal Injury - Represents Defendants. She defends corporations and insurers focusing on professional and products liability, casualty and property claims, and commercial litigation. Susan is a member of the peer-selected Litigation Counsel of America, International Association of Defense Counsel, Federation of Defense and Corporate Counsel, and Association of Defense and Trial Attorneys. She served as president of Canadian Defence Lawyers, and director of the following: The Advocates' Society, DRI - Voice of the Defense Bar, and Canadian Defence Lawyers Foundation. She is the current chair of the CDL Public Policy Secretariat. Susan is the recipient of the Ontario Bar Association’s Joel Kuchar Award for Professionalism and Civility, the DRI Fred H. Sievert Award for Outstanding Defense Bar Leadership and of the CDL Philippa G. Samworth Award for the Advancement of Women in the Legal Profession.
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