925 West Georgia St, Suite 1600, Cathedral Pl, Vancouver, BC
Year called to bar: 1984 (BC)
Irv acts for banks, credit unions, and other lenders and borrowers in secured and unsecured financing and leasing transactions. He is engaged in financing a wide range of businesses, including construction and income-producing real estate projects, all assets within the agricultural sector, aircraft, forest and mining assets, merchant banks, hotels, newspapers, high-technology products and operations, and national retail chains. These financings often have cross-border components and syndications and participations with government and other lending institutions, where Irv acts most often for the lead and sometimes secondary lender. He has drafted financing and leasing documents used by lenders and lessors in the ordinary course of their businesses. Irv regularly provides advice to clients on the establishment of internal lending and borrowing guidelines, regulatory and compliance matters, and the structuring of financing transactions. He is recognized by The Lexpert/American Lawyer Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada, the Lexpert Guide to the Leading US/Canada Cross-Border Corporate Lawyers in Canada, and The Best Lawyers in Canada for Banking Law. Irv is called to the British Columbia bar (1984).
On Dec. 22, 2223890 Alberta Ltd. (“AcquireCo”), a company controlled by Matthew Campbell and Garrett Ganden (the chairman of the board, and president and chief executive officer, respectively, of RMDI) completed the acquisition and go-private transaction of Rocky Mountain Dealerships Inc