Romeo Aguilar Perez

Romeo Aguilar Perez

Romeo Aguilar Perez, CRHA, is a senior associate and  member of the Labour and Employment Law group.

As part of his practice, he advises employers in the public, parapublic and private sectors on all aspects of employment relations and human capital management. He specializes in employment litigation, grievance arbitration, labour relations, labour standards, human rights, administrative investigations, occupational health and safety as well as penal infractions prosecuted by the CNESST that are heard in the Court of Québec’s Criminal and Penal Division. His expert opinion is frequently sought in the management and processing of psychological and sexual harassment complaints in the workplace.

Mr. Aguilar Perez holds a Master’s degree in law on the right to privacy pertaining to the use of social media.

Workplace harassment and violence: An overview of legislative changes introduced by Quebec’s Bill 42
Employers must revise policies and practices to ensure compliance, foster safer work environment
Dec 12, 2024 Legal insights