Sonya Savage

Sonya Savage

Sonya Savage, senior counsel, is a leading advocate in the energy industry. Her extensive public, corporate and private practice experience provides a unique and valuable perspective for our clients.

Sonya served as a Senior Minister for four years in the Alberta Government. Most recently, she held the position of Minister of Environment and Protected Areas and was also the Minster of Energy and Minister of Justice. Previously, she worked in the corporate sector as a senior executive for the Canadian Energy Pipeline Association and Enbridge. She earned a Master of Laws (LLM) in 2015 with a published thesis on the evolving role of the National Energy Board. She also worked in private practice as a litigator for 13 years.

Navigating and balancing energy security and climate interests in an evolving and often contentious political landscape lends to her expertise in energy and environmental law, energy policy, regulations and climate strategy.

Carbon Contracts for Difference: Mitigating Carbon Price Risk for CCUS Projects in Canada
BLG's Sonya Savage and Alan Ross provide an overview of the carbon price uncertainty issue — including what to watch for next
Jan 17, 2024 Legal insights