Alex maintains a diverse practice in both employment law and commercial/civil litigation. In Alex’s employment law practice, he represents both employers and key employees with respect to questions surrounding termination, federal and provincial human rights requirements, and the obligations of departing employees, including pursuing and defending claims for injunctive relief. Alex also assists businesses with their ongoing efforts to comply with the variety of legislative requirements that touch the workplace. To that end, employers frequently call on Alex to provide advice on how to manage everyday issues with their workforce. In his commercial and civil litigation practice, Alex frequently represents companies and individuals in actions alleging misrepresentation, fraud, defamation and other economic torts, as well as pursuing and defending actions relating to shareholder rights, including oppression remedy cases. Alex has litigated at all levels of court in Ontario and won precedent-setting cases. He has delivered continuing education sessions about employment law and workplace investigations to lawyers and businesspeople, and is a trusted advisor to businesses across Canada and in the United States.