505 Burrard St, Suite 1100, One Bentall Ctr, Box 11, Vancouver, BC
Year called to bar: 1977 (BC)
Neil Kornfeld, KC is a highly regarded real estate lawyer, acting for commercial and residential developers on the acquisition and redevelopment of noteworthy and unique sites in British Columbia. His work involves complex development and redevelopment projects, including density transfers, matters of heritage preservation, land assemblies, and re-zonings. Kornfeld had previously and concurrently with his real estate practice maintained an active insolvency practice, acting for lenders, creditors, debtors, receivers, and trustees in bankruptcy on collections, foreclosures, bankruptcies, receiverships, and reorganizations. Practising in these two areas of the law, real estate development and insolvency, has given Kornfeld invaluable experience understanding the enforcement aspects of commercial real estate transactions and being able to apply that knowledge in the negotiation of complex borrowing transactions on behalf of developers. Additionally, Kornfeld has appeared as counsel before the courts at all levels including the SCC in relation to property matters, which also informs his approaches to the practical aspects of property and development matters. He was appointed to the King’s Counsel in 2006. Born and raised in Vancouver, Kornfeld is a founding partner of Kornfeld LLP.