Ted’s legal career started in insurance defence litigation. He worked at a boutique law firm in Toronto, servicing only insurance companies. He switched to representing only injured clients and their families in 1995. He knows both sides of the system inside and out. He has successfully represented injured clients and their families in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Ontario Court of Appeal, Financial Services Commission of Ontario, and before the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board. He has successfully managed jury trials in several counties and cities from Parry Sound to Toronto to Ottawa. Ted joined the American Association for Justice and Ontario Trial Lawyers Association in 1994 and continues to be a member of both. He received a Distinguished Service Award from the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association in 2004. Ted is a member of several county and district law associations including the Durham Law Association, Northumberland Law Association, Frontenac Law Association, Lennox & Addington Law Association, Leeds Grenville Law Association, and County of Carleton Law Association. He completed coursework with the University of Toronto in Arbitration and studied advocacy for individuals with brain injury at Brock University.