Frédéric Desmarais

Frédéric Desmarais

(514) 847-4696
1 Place Ville Marie, Suite 2500, Montréal, QC
Year called to bar: 2009
Frédéric Desmarais practises all aspects of employment and labour law, with a focus on matters and litigation concerning civil employment law, such as duty of loyalty and restrictive covenants. He is also knowledgeable in federal labour and employment law.  Desmarais provides federal and provincial jurisdiction employers with strategic advice on how best to manage their workforces. He acts on behalf of employers before the appropriate authorities, including administrative tribunals and common law courts, including the Quebec Court of Appeal, as well as grievance arbitrators. Desmarais is a speaker and author whose many writings include Le contrat de travail (Art. 2085 à 2097 C.c.Q.), published by Éditions Yvon Blais. He also teaches employment and labour law at the Quebec bar admission course. Desmarais serves as a member of the disciplinary council of the Quebec bar.
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