Glenn M. Zakaib

Glenn M. Zakaib

Senior Counsel and Co-Chair, Class Actions Group at Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)
(416) 367-6664
(416) 367-6749
22 Adelaide St W, Suite 3400, Bay Adelaide Centre, East Tower, Toronto, ON
Year called to bar: 1983 (ON)
Glenn Zakaib has a strong track record of defending a diverse group of clients in a wide range of class action proceedings and product liability claims, as well as cases involving life insurance, consumer misrepresentation, and competition law. Zakaib is the national co-chair of the Class Actions Group, providing strategic direction and coordination across Canada. He is highly active with the Defence Research Institute (DRI) where he has held numerous positions and most recently has been a member of the DRI Law Institute, which oversees all educational seminars for the organization. Zakaib is a member of the International Association of Defense Counsel and a fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America. He is recognized as a leading lawyer in Chambers Canada, Best Lawyers, and Lexology Index. Glenn was called to the Ontario Bar in 1983. He believes strongly in his client-oriented approach to law.
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