79 Wellington St W, Suite 3000, Box 270, TD Ctr, Toronto, ON
Year called to bar: 1991 (ON)
John’s civil litigation practice focuses on public, business, and international trade and investment law. He regularly advises corporations and federal, provincial, and municipal governments on NAFTA and WTO matters, and has represented major Canadian and multinational corporations in respect of investor-state arbitrations under Chapter 11 of the NAFTA. John also has a significant practice in Indigenous matters, with extensive experience advising project developers and lenders on issues respecting the duty to consult with Indigenous communities and representing parties and negotiating in disputes regarding Indigenous issues, often on high-stakes or sensitive matters. He also routinely provides guidance to natural resource and energy companies on corporate social responsibility issues. John has appeared as counsel at all levels of court in Ontario, at the Federal Court and Federal Court of Appeal, before the Supreme Court of Canada, in commercial and investment arbitrations, and before a variety of administrative tribunals.