Katharine L. Byrick

Katharine L. Byrick

(416) 367-6012
(416) 367-6749
22 Adelaide St W, Suite 3400, Bay Adelaide Centre, East Tower, Toronto, ON
Year called to bar: 1999 (ON)
Katherine Byrick is a Partner in the Health Law Group. Practice focuses on representing healthcare organizations and their employees in civil claims, as well as working directly with senior leadership teams and healthcare organizations on risk management and clinical law issues, critical incidents and adverse events, quality of care and patient relations matters, physician privileges, privacy issues, ALC issues, complicated consent and end-of-life issues, challenges with substitute decision making, discharge planning, mental health law, and other issues. Participates in mediations and negotiations in civil litigation, and assists with responses to the Patient Ombudsman and the Information and Privacy Commissioner as well as various regulatory Colleges. Authored Managing Transitions: A Guidance Document (updated 2018), Ontario Hospital Association, and co-authored Practical Guide to Mental Health and the Law (updated 2016), Ontario Hospital Association. Recognized in The Best Lawyers in Canada. Obtained LLB from the University of Windsor in 1997 and was called to the Ontario Bar in 1999.
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