Mireille Mortimer is a highly regarded workplace and institutional investigator. She is the founder of Mortimer Khoraych PC, an investigations, culture audits and workplace restoration firm. Mireille is recognized for her expertise in conducting thorough, detailed and robust investigations. Her practice focuses on complex, multi-faceted and highly sensitive investigations, typically involving senior and other high-ranking executives, in a broad range of sectors. Mireille’s expertise also includes harassment, sexual harassment, workplace violence, discrimination (including racism), ethics & conflict of interest breaches, theft/fraud and other policy breaches. Mireille is a sought-after speaker, instructor and seminar leader, including by Lancaster House, the OSGOODE Intensive Courses in Responding to Campus Sexual-Violence and in Advanced Workplace Investigation Techniques, the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs (OAFC) Conference, the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA), and others. Mireille holds a certificate from the Association of Workplace Investigators and is a member of the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety’s Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations Roster of Investigators, the CBA and OBA.