Paul Martel

Paul Martel

(514) 397-2074
(514) 871-8977
1 Place Ville Marie, Suite 4000, Montréal, QC
Year called to bar: 1970 (QC)
Paul's practice focuses primarily on corporate and commercial law, particularly in the field of companies, not-for-profit corporations, partnerships and commercial contracts. He is renowned for his ability to formulate pragmatic and innovative solutions to the most complex legal problems in corporate law. Paul was a law professor for over 25 years and author of several authoritative legal texts on corporate law and a contributor in most of the major corporate law journals, including the Revue du Barreau du Québec. His influence as a corporate law expert, professor, lecturer and author has made him a regular consultant with government authorities undertaking major legislative reforms such as the Civil Code of Quebec, the Québec Companies Act and the Canada Business Corporations Act. He was also retained as consultant-expert by the Quebec Minister of Finance for the design and writing of the new Business Corporations Act and by the Agence du Revenu du Québec for the updating of the enterprise register of Quebec. Paul is a member of the Quebec Bar where he has chaired the Legal Persons and Partnerships Committee for over 20 years.
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