Rachel A. Turnpenney

Rachel A. Turnpenney

Partner at Turnpenney Milne LLP
(416) 868-1457
(647) 260-0939
501- 2 Berkley St, Berkley Castle, Toronto, ON
Year called to bar: 2003
Rachel Turnpenney is a founding partner of Turnpenney Milne LLP. Rachel’s practice focuses exclusively on employment law and workplace investigations. Rachel has developed expertise in conducting workplace investigations as an external, neutral, third party investigator on topics ranging from harassment/bullying, and human rights matters to general misconduct. Rachel has been retained to investigate high profile and complex matters involving multiple parties and complaints. Beyond the role of investigator and employment lawyer, Rachel is routinely asked to speak on employment law and workplace investigation related topics. She is also retained to conduct post-investigation services such as in-house training and presentations on a variety of topics, ranging from basic harassment and discrimination training to individualized sensitivity or respect in the workplace training arising from a specific complaint or incident. Rachel also conducts workplace audits and employee facilitations/mediations.
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