Vladimir Shatiryan

Vladimir Shatiryan

(416) 863-4154
199 Bay St, Suite 4000, Commerce Court West, Toronto, ON
Vladimir's practice focuses on advising Canadian and foreign financial institutions, including banks, insurers, credit unions, financial market infrastructures, and fintechs on the full spectrum of financial services regulation in Canada. He advises on critical regulatory aspects of complex transactions, licensing and approvals, cross-border rules for foreign institutions, corporate governance, resolution laws, payment clearing and settlement laws, and other regulatory issues. Vladimir also advises on designing and implementing effective regulatory compliance management programs and helps businesses navigate through the complex requirements under Canada's sanctions and anti-money laundering legislation. Vladimir represents clients in their dealings with Canadian financial services regulators, including OSFI, FCAC, FINTRAC, and provincial regulatory authorities. Vladimir has completed a secondment with the Regulatory Affairs Division of Canada's federal financial institutions regulator, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions.
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