Zvi Halpern-Shavim

Zvi Halpern-Shavim

(416) 863-2355
(416) 863-2653
199 Bay St, Suite 4000, Commerce Court West, Toronto, ON
Year called to bar: 2010 (ON)
Zvi's practice involves all areas of sales and commodity tax, with a focus on planning and dispute resolution in connection with VAT, goods and services tax, harmonized sales tax, provincial sales tax, insurance premium tax, excise taxes and duties, and carbon taxes. He also advises clients regarding structuring of import/export arrangements, customs duties, valuation methodology, tariff classification, import/export restrictions, and various aspects of Canada's bilateral and multilateral trade agreements. Zvi provides compliance, planning, audit and tax dispute expertise, both in traditional mergers and acquisitions and real property transactions and in complex and new areas of financial services, natural resources, cross-border, the sharing economy, P3 infrastructure projects, cryptocurrencies, medical, pharmaceutical and agribusiness. Zvi is a member of the executive committee of the Canadian Bar Association, Commodity Tax, Customs and Trade Section, and is an active member of the Ontario Bar Association. He is also an active member of the Canadian Finance and Leasing Association Tax Committee.
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