On October 28, 2002, Astral Media Inc. acquired certain radio stations located in Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick from Telemedia Radio Inc. and certain of its subsidiaries in consideration of an aggregate purchase price equal to $120 million in cash and 5,333,333 class A non-voting shares of Astral Media.
Astral Media’s legal team was led by Monique Ryan, vice-president, legal affairs, and secretary; Jacques Parisien, president, Astral Radio Inc.; and Michel Arpin, senior advisor regulatory and governmental affairs, Astral; assisted by Ogilvy Renault with a team comprised of Norman Steinberg and Françoise Denault (mergers and acquisitions), Steve Malas and Stephen Kelly (securities) and Jules Charette (tax). Astral Media was also represented by Stikeman Elliott, with a team comprised of Lawson Hunter, Q.C., and D. Jeffrey Brown (competition) in Ottawa, and Louis Bélanger, Stephen Hamilton and Patrick Girard (litigation) in Montreal.
Telemedia’s legal team was led by Monique Després, vice-president, general counsel and secretary; assisted by Stikeman Elliott with a team comprised of Pierre Raymond and Franziska Ruf (mergers and acquisitions), Frédéric Harvey and Christian Meighen (tax) and Anna Romano (real estate). Telemedia was also represented by Yves Bériault, Madeleine Renaud and Dominic Thérien (competition and litigation) of McCarthy Tétrault LLP.
Astral Media’s legal team was led by Monique Ryan, vice-president, legal affairs, and secretary; Jacques Parisien, president, Astral Radio Inc.; and Michel Arpin, senior advisor regulatory and governmental affairs, Astral; assisted by Ogilvy Renault with a team comprised of Norman Steinberg and Françoise Denault (mergers and acquisitions), Steve Malas and Stephen Kelly (securities) and Jules Charette (tax). Astral Media was also represented by Stikeman Elliott, with a team comprised of Lawson Hunter, Q.C., and D. Jeffrey Brown (competition) in Ottawa, and Louis Bélanger, Stephen Hamilton and Patrick Girard (litigation) in Montreal.
Telemedia’s legal team was led by Monique Després, vice-president, general counsel and secretary; assisted by Stikeman Elliott with a team comprised of Pierre Raymond and Franziska Ruf (mergers and acquisitions), Frédéric Harvey and Christian Meighen (tax) and Anna Romano (real estate). Telemedia was also represented by Yves Bériault, Madeleine Renaud and Dominic Thérien (competition and litigation) of McCarthy Tétrault LLP.
Louis P. Bélanger
Steve Malas
Jules Charette
Françoise C. Denault
Madeleine Renaud
Franziska Ruf
Patrick Girard
Yves Bériault
Stephen W. Hamilton
Lawson A.W. Hunter
Stephen J. Kelly
D. Jeffrey Brown
Pierre A. Raymond
Anna C. Romano
Norman M. Steinberg