Bell Mobility Completes Acquisition of Shares of Bluebottle Mobile Canada

On July 1, 2009, Bell Mobility Inc. completed the acquisition of 790,053,628.9 shares of Bluebottle Mobile Canada Inc. from Bluebottle UK Ltd. for a purchase price of approximately $142,000,000. With this acquisition, Bell Mobility became the sole shareholder of the holding company controlling the 50 per cent of Virgin Mobile Canada not already owned by Bell Mobility. The transaction also involved licensing agreements between Virgin Mobile Canada and certain affiliates of the UK-based Virgin Group with respect to the use, by Virgin Mobile Canada, of certain trade-marks and logos required to continue the operations of Virgin Mobile in Canada and to ensure the continuity of the Virgin music festival (VFest) and other Virgin Telecom initiatives. Bluebottle UK and other members of the Virgin Group were represented internally by Josh Bayliss and by Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP with a team led by Constance Sugiyama, which included Karyn Bradley (corporate) and Timothy Wach and Gloria Geddes (tax).

The purchaser was represented internally by Martin Cossette and by McCarthy Tétrault LLP with a team led by Clemens Mayr, which included Véronique Wattiez Larose and Laurent Gauthier (corporate) and Frédéric Harvey and Marc-André Godard (tax).


Laurent Gauthier Karyn L. Bradley Constance L. Sugiyama Gloria J. Geddes Timothy S. Wach Marc-Andre Godard Véronique Wattiez Larose Clemens Mayr